Category: Gardening

an orange hover lawn mower

Hover Lawn Mowers

Lawn mowing is a vital home maintenance practice which helps bring about a number of improvements. First of all, mowing your lawn will help improve the aesthetic value of your home. Trimming grass to a uniform level gives your home a unique appearance. Lawn mowing also helps keep off dangerous pests and animals.

Snakes that hide in long grass can be dangerous to those passing by or playing in the lawn. Trimming your grass will help keep them away. This home maintenance practice is usually conducted using a special machine known as a lawnmower. They are of various types, and you will find some that use electricity while others use petrol.

The hover lawn mower is one of the types that is being used by many currently.  It uses a cushion of air which is created between the ground and the mower, and this makes it much easier for the blades to cut the grass.

You can buy a hover mower from various stores or online shops. Reading reviews will help youhover lawn mower pick one that is good. You get to learn their specifications and unique features during the process. Hover mowers are of various types that operate using electricity and petrol. There are several benefits that come with using a hover mower compared to other types of lawn mowers. They include:

Effective for Sloped Areas

When choosing the type of mower you want to use on your lawn, you always look at the kind of slope in your compound. Some mowers will not provide the trim needed in sloppy compounds. Hover mowers are regarded as the best for such type of loans. It is easier to push in sloped lawns. Their mode of trimming will also provide quality work in such gardens.


Hover lawnmowers are light compared to other types of mowers. You will have an easy time carrying it around or rotating it when you get to specific sections of your yard. Older people usually find a difficult time in using mowers that are heavy especially when they reach particular segments. Hover mowers are the best for them because of their lightweight.


The other good thing about hover lawn mowers is that they can be moved from one section toslope trimming using hover lawn mower another with ease. This type of mower does not sit on wheels like others but instead hovers which makes it easier to move in different directions. It is best for those who have lawns that are shaped irregularly.…

home gardening tips

Top 5 Home Gardening Tips for Beginners

The idea of a home garden may have never occurred to you as a household-cost saving endeavor. The gardens can as well be done for aesthetic purposes or as a pass time activity with an economic edge. The passion one develops for his or her home garden often spring from plant health and their ability to give ample harvest. A frail-looking garden projects you as a carefree and disorganized character with very little or no life skills. Below are five home gardening tips for beginners with dreams to establish home gardens against all odds.

Soil type

home gardenYou already know that sand soil drains fast as clay soil retains water. Loam soil – which is commendable for agricultural endeavors – is a mixture of clay and sand soil. This is a provision that isn’t always granted by Mother Nature. The soil PH and profile should match the growth conditions of the food crops that wish to cultivate. Obtain soil sampling kits to establish your compound’s soil fecundity. Take a walk in the neighborhood and note the kind of vegetation that grows naturally in that area to have an idea of what to expect.

Think outside the box

Don’t let low soil fertility or dry weather dampen your home gardening ideas. This is because you can establish aerial gardens using plant pots. Ensure that the pots are filled the right soil type. They should be perforated to improve aeration, avoid soil acidity or alkalinity that results from fertilizer use. Invest in soil-less agriculture techniques if you don’t have the right soil type to support your dream home garden.

Have the right tools

The types of gardening tools you choose have an impact on the outcome. Sticky soils can, for example, be difficult to plough or weed off. As a result of this, you will end up with a poorly done garden and face the challenge of fighting off an array of pests and diseases. Use non-stick gardening tools to avoid these. The tool should also be of the right weight and size. Cutting garden tools must be kept sharp at all times and those with losing handles or mechanical parts fixed to embrace safety.

Crop rotation

Divide up your garden into paddocks and plant crops that share the same diseases, pests and ecological requirements in a single season. Potatoes and tomatoes belong to the same family, for example. It follows that you will use the same chemicals and fertilization process to take care of them to maturity – lowering the cost of gardening. The idea behind grouping together crops that belong to the same family and rotating them with those of another family is to starve off the existing disease-causing pathogens and garden pests naturally. Effective crop rotation also boosts fertility and encourages the diverse use of the available home gardening space.

Automate the garden

Self-watering gardens are easy to manage. They can as well be customized to use chemical weed control mechanisms that can be administered with the help of the irrigation system in place. Home garden automation allows for temperature and humidity control, especially when established within a modern greenhouse that you can put up affordably with the help of innovative home gardening consultants.…